Payor Contracts
One of the major benefits of Mount Carmel Health Partners membership is the opportunity to participate in various types of managed care contracts held by Mount Carmel Health Partners, including Commercial, Medicare Advantage, and Medicaid Managed Care companies. Mount Carmel currently holds contracts with the following payors:
- Aetna
- ChoiceCare Network (PPO) (subsidiary of Humana)
- Cigna
- Custom Design Benefits (TPA)
- Health Design Plus (PPO)
- Health Ohio Network
- HealthSmart Preferred Network (PPO)
- Humana
- Medical Benefits Mutual (MedBen)
- Medical Mutual of Ohio
- Mount Carmel Event Care and Hospice Consult Program
- MultiPlan PHCS
- Ohio Health Choice
- Oscar Health
- Quality Care Partners (QCP)
- The Health Plan
- Trinity Mount Carmel Employee Health Plan (Aetna)
Medicare Advantage
- Aetna
- CareSource Ohio
- Humana
- Medical Mutual of Ohio
- Medigold
- Perennial Advantage
- The Health Plan
- Amerihealth Caritas
- Buckeye Health Plan
- CareSource Ohio
- Humana
- Molina Healthcare of Ohio
- Paramount Advantage
- Aetna
- Molina Healthcare of Ohio
Exchange / Marketplace
As a reminder, if you are a new provider or group to Mount Carmel Health Partners, you will automatically be enrolled in all of Mount Carmel Health Partners payor contracts. If you wish to opt out of any payor contracts please notify Renee Sudimack (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) in writing within 14 days of receipt of receiving your welcome letter after being credentialed.
For specific summaries and requirements of these contracts, please contact Kelley Compson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Kelly Rogers at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..